Thursday, January 22, 2009

My heart today...

There are so many thought racing through my brain...what a blessing to know that God has called us to go be Jesus to children who we can't WAIT to meet!!! There are so many God Moments that have already grown our faith and we are still 6 months away from this humbling mission trip. My heart (our heart) is to share every one of them with you so we can celebrate God's faithfulness every step of the way!

I'm most excited to share this trip with Savannah - I mean, let's face it, she's my daughter and I LOVE and CHERISH all the girls who are traveling to Ghana, but i also know that as mom and daughter, our lives, our relationship and our vision for who God is and how much he loves His children will never EVER be the same as we plan and pray and experience the entire process of this mission together. So we've talked about mission stuff, and we've prayed about it for over 2 years, and it's all great and wonderful to have the "conversations"...but i know, from my very limited wisdom of 40 years, that experience is competely different than intentions and conversation. As much as i want to have a servant heart and i want to be aware of the people around me and how i can serve and love them, i know this will be the most impactful experience in my share that with Savannah will be a gift from God that will last a lifetime.

I will be posting often to share the God Moments and to covet your prayers for our hearts and our spirits as we listen and obey and fervently pray God's clarity and blessing on all of us and all of you who have and will partner with us in any way.

I love you...and I love my sweet Father for allowing me to be a small part of His plan in Ghana.